Compare Ratios, Calculator

Calculator to compare two ratios

This function compares two ratios and calculates which of the two is the larger.

To perform the calculation, enter the values of the ratios. Then click the Calculate button.

Calculate ratios

Ratio a : b :
Ratio c : d :
Decimal places

Formel zum Verhältnis-Vergleich

\(\displaystyle a:b <> c:d \)


\(\displaystyle a:b <> c:d = 3:4 <> 1:3 \)
Dezimalwerte ausrechnen
\(\displaystyle 3 ÷ 4 <> 1 ÷ 3 = 0.75 <> 0.3\overline{3} \)

\(\displaystyle 0.75 > 0.3\overline{3} \)

\(\displaystyle \color{blue}{ 3:4 > 1:3} \)

More Ratio Functions

Aspect Ratio
Compare Ratios
Decimal to Ratio
Fraction to Ratio
Ratio Simplifier
Ratio to Decimal
Ratio to Fraction
Scale Ratio

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