Levenshtein Distance

Calculator to calculate the Levenshtein distance

This function returns the Levenshtein distance of two character strings The Levenshtein distance (also edit distance) between two strings is the minimum number of operations to insert, delete, and replace to transform the first string into the second.

To calculate, enter the two texts, then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Calculator Levenshtein distance

 Text 1
 Text 2

Example of Levenshtein distance

The distance between the texts: "The gnu at the zoo" and "The gate at the zoo" is 3.

3 changes must be made.

  1. Replace the n in "gnu" with a
  2. Replace the u in "gnu" with t
  3. Append the e to "gate"

Distance functions

Bray Curtis Distance
Canberra Distance
Chebyshev Distance
Cosine Similarity
Levenshtein Distance
Manhattan Distance
Matching Distance
Minkowski Distance
Pearson Correlation Coefficient

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