Bit Shift Calculator

Shift bits of an integer left or right

This function shifts the bits of an integer to the right or left. The number can be entered in the formats hexadecimal, decimal, octal or binary.

The direction of the shift and the number of bits are specified in the second input line.

The result is displayed in the formats hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary.

Shift bits left or right

 Select the input format of the base number
 Input base number
 Select direction and number of bits to be shift

Bitwise shift

With bit-by-bit shifting, the binary characters are shifted to the left or right by a specified number of bit positions. The direction is always given in the, regardless of the computer architecture Understand the standard convention of the dual system: left means multiplication and right means division by a power of two. Processor registers contain a defined, finite number of bits, which is why the specified number of bits at one end is "pushed out" of the register, while the same number is "pushed in" ("pulled in") at the other end.

Logical shift

In the case of the logical shift used here, the shifted bits are discarded and zeros are added, regardless of the sliding direction. In contrast to arithmetic shifts, no signed numbers can be used.

IT Functions

Decimal, Hex, Bin, Octal conversionShift bits left or rightSet a bitClear a bitBitwise ANDBitwise ORBitwise exclusive OR

Special functions

AiryDerivative AiryBessel-IBessel-IeBessel-JBessel-JeBessel-KBessel-KeBessel-YBessel-YeSpherical-Bessel-J Spherical-Bessel-YHankelBetaIncomplete BetaIncomplete Inverse BetaBinomial CoefficientBinomial Coefficient LogarithmErfErfcErfiErfciFibonacciFibonacci TabelleGammaInverse GammaLog GammaDigammaTrigammaLogitSigmoidDerivative SigmoidSoftsignDerivative SoftsignSoftmaxStruveStruve tableModified StruveModified Struve tableRiemann Zeta

Hyperbolic functions


Trigonometrische Funktionen

ACosACotACscASecASinATanCosCotCscSecSinSincTanDegree to RadianRadian to Degree

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