Cosine of a complex number

Calculator for the Cosine of a complex number

This function returns the cosine for an angle that is specified as a complex number.

To perform the calculation, enter the complex number. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Cos calculator

Complex number +  i
Decimal places

Calculate the cosine of a complex number

In the following description, \(z\) stands for the complex number. \(x\) stands for the real value \(Re\) and \(y\) for the imaginary value \(Im\).

\(\displaystyle cos(z) = cos(x) · cosh(y) - sin(x) · sinh(y)\)


\(\displaystyle cos(z) = cos(3+5i)\)

\(Re = cos(3) · cosh(5) =-73.47\)     \(Im = sin(3) · sinh(5) =-10.47\)

\(cos(3+5i) = -73.47-10.47i\)

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