Polar form of complex number

Calculator and for calculating the polar form of a complex number

The calculator on this page calculates the polar form of a complex number. To calculate and draw the polar shape, enter a complex number and then click the Calculate button.

The result can be displayed in degrees or radians. The angle is the angle between the vector and the positive x-axis.

Polar form calculater

Complex number +  i
Decimal places
Angle measure

Magnitude r = 2
Angle φ = 45°

Description of the polar form of a complex number

Every complex number \(z\) can be represented as a vector in the Gaussian number plane. This vector is uniquely defined by the real part and the imaginary part of the complex number \(z\).

A vector emanating from the zero point can also be used as a pointer. This pointer is uniquely defined by its length and the angle \(φ\) to the real axis.

Positive angles are measured counterclockwise, negative angles are clockwise.

A complex number can thus be uniquely defined in the polar form by the pair \((|z|, φ)\). \(φ\) is the angle belonging to the vector. The length of the vector \(r\) equals the magnitude or absolute value \(|z|\) of the complex number.

The general notation \(z = a + bi\) is called normal form (in contrast to the polar form described above).

More information about the polar form →

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