Weight force calculator

Calculator and formulas for calculating weight force

This function calculates the weight or mass.

Force is generally understood to be an effect on a body that increases or decreases its speed, changes direction or deforms it.

The weight force calculated here indicates how strongly a body is pushed or pulled down.

For the calculation, use the radio button to select whether the force or the mass should be calculated. Then enter the corresponding value and click the 'Calculate' button. The given value of 9.81 corresponds to the average value of gravity on earth.

Weight force calculator

 What should be calculated?
Weight force (N)
Mass (kg)
Acceleration (m/s2)
Decimal places
Weight force

Weight force formulas

Exactly how strong the weight is depends on the mass m and the location factor g. The force of gravity varies depending on where you are.

At the equator, gravity is about 9,787 m/s2.

At the poles, gravity is about 9,832 m/s2.

On the moon, gravity is about 1.62 m/s2.

The weight is calculated using the formula

Weight force \(F_g=m*g \)

\(m\) = Mass
\(g\) = gravitational acceleration

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