FOIL Method

Calculator to calculate the foil method

This function calculates the multiplication of two binomials using the FOIL method.


To calculate, enter the four real numbers for a,b,c and d, then click the 'Calculate' button.

Calculator for the foil method

Coefficient a
Coeffizient b
Coeffizient c
Coeffizient d
Decimal places


The term FOIL is a mnemonic for the standard method of multiplying two binomials. The method is therefore also known as the FOIL method. The word FOIL is an acronym for the four English terms of the product:

  • First (The "first" terms of each binomial are multiplied together)
  • Outer (The "outer" terms are multiplied - i.e. the first term of the first binomial and the second term of the second)
  • Inner (The "inner" terms are multiplied - second term of the first binomial and first term of the second)
  • Last (The "last" terms of each binomial are multiplied)
The general form is

Absolute ChangeAll divisors of an integerAverageBinomial formulasCommon divisors of two integersConsecutive integersCross multiplicationDiamond problemDigit sumDigital rootDirect variationDivision with remainderElementary arithmeticFactorialFOIL MethodInverse cross multiplicationInverse moduloGreatest common divisorLeast common multipleModuloMultiplicative inverseRelative Change

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